Sunday, February 10, 2008

Our Poppy Seed

To our little poppy seed before we even knew you were there! I'm obviously writing this in retrospect, but I want to tell you a little story, before we even knew about you. Your Dad had just finished a great year at Salesforce (the year ends 1/31), and we went down to Santa Barbara in early Feb to get a little rest and relaxation before the next year started..

We were having a great time at the Biltmore, but I started to get a little suspicious that I might be pregnant when the Billecart Salmon champagne (my fave) that we brought to celebrate our weekend tasted a little funny. When your Dad didn't agree with me, we decided maybe I should take a pregnancy test - he has a nose for bad champagne, I'm sure he'll be teaching you all about it some day. We drove down to the little town of Montecito the next day, and we inspected every pregnancy test at both Safeway and nearby Walgreens for the best one (another Dad trait you'll learn about...)

We were both bursting with enthusiasm as we drove back to the hotel. I wanted to wait a day just to make sure it was more accurate, but we couldn't wait. I took it and it was negative. We were both really sad, and thought 'It's not time yet'.. but we were wrong, we found out the next week that you were only the size of a poppy seed in Santa Barbara - too small to show up on the test, but still very cute I'm sure :)


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